
Understand the basic configuration used by the bot here.

RankBot uses a fairly simple YAML configuration stored in files, one file per guild using the bot. To edit that configuration, you can use the integrated page within the SajuukBot dashboard to do so.

Managing the configuration requires you to either be the guild owner or have the Manage RankBot user right.

Sample Configuration

Please find below the basic configuration that gets created when the bot is added to a server that hasn't used it before:

nickname: ""
    role: 0
    requirement: 10
      enabled: false
      channel: 0
      rich embed: false
      message: "{} has reached Rank 1!"
      enabled: false
      time: 0
      period: "week"
rate limits: 
  enabled: false
  limit: 5
  limit seconds: 30
  rate limited length: 60
  channel: 0
    enabled: false
    limit: 15
    enabled: false
    limit: 10
  modlogs: 0
  mod roles:
  exclude mods: false
  reset statistics: false
  replace roles: true
  role decay: false



Use this option to set a nickname for the bot. If the nickname in the guild doesn't match this value, the nickname will be automatically updated to match it. The maximum length of a nickname is 32 characters as per the Discord API limitation.


Ranks is where the main power of the bot comes from. Under this configuration setting can be a limitless number of rank definitions. Each rank definition is separated by a number in sequential order in the format given above.

The following settings are required for any ranks you define.


The notifications group is optional, which means you don't have to set up a notification on a rank if its not wanted. However, if you configure a rank to have notifications, all of the below settings must be defined!

When a user achieves a rank, there is the option to have the bot announce that rank in a defined channel. The following options are available:


The decay group is optional, which means you don't have to set up a rank to have an automatic "decay" after a period of time if the rank should not be removed from a user automatically. However, if you configure a rank to decay automatically, all of the below settings must be defined!

In a lot of cases, you might not want specific ranks to be "permanent". For example, the first rank might be one that you want to remove if the user ceases to be active in the community, or you may simply want to make it so that any rank is removed after inactivity. Decay allows you to configure a rank to be automatically removed if a specific time period has elapsed without any other posts by the user. The following options are available:

Rate Limits

You can choose not to enable the rate limit system by omitting this section from your config. However, if you do choose to include this section, all settings must be defined!

So your server is active... too active, and members race through your ranks like it is nothing. Rate limiting allows you a way to control the speed at which people can gain ranks by forcibly blocking the internal counter from increasing, thus meaning that ranks are gained at a more reasonable pace.


You can choose not to enable the leaderboards by omitting this section from your config. However, if you do choose to include this section, all settings must be defined!

The leaderboard allows you to give a sense of "achievement" to members who are regularly active in your community. Two leaderboards are available: a daily leaderboard, which updates every day representing the activity of the server since 24 hours ago, and a weekly leaderboard, which updates every Monday representing activity since the previous Monday.


All of the following settings are optional.

You might want to exclude roles, channels or categories from being able to rank up. This might be because the role is representing bots, or the channels/categories represent areas of artificial contributions, such as locations to spam bots or talk to members in a voice channel while not having a microphone. All 3 options here are lists:


All of the settings below are required.

This section largely covers non-specific settings or toggles to control other settings.

Last updated